Kids are not naturally self-motivated. When your child’s mindset is not in the right place, even the most fun activities can be a struggle to get to. With that said, here are some strategies to help you work around lack of motivation when trying to get your kid to class.
- Be attentive to what your child
is doing in the moment he/she is supposed to get ready for class. If he/ she is
playing or having fun with a friend, then be ready for a battle. With that
said, have your child participate in a chore or task that’s not as much fun
around 10 to 15-minutes prior to getting ready for class.
- Be attentive to your own
projection of emotions as you get your child ready for class. If you are
stressed, rushed, or aggravated in any way, this will project the same emotions
on your child. With that said, be sure to project positive and upbeat energy as
you are getting your child ready for class.
- Be attentive to how you respond
to your child’s overall performance after class. If you are expressing too much
emphasis on what he/ she did wrong versus right, then those negative feelings
will carry over. With that said, be sure to limit criticism and focus more on productive
conversations after class.
- Be intentional with your goals
by communicating with your child’s instructors. The goal is to foster
motivation. Let the instructors know about your struggles so that they can be
mindful to motivate your child before, during, and after class. It takes a
village, so don’t be afraid to ask for support!
- Prompt motivation by rewarding
your child. Remember that children’s brains are still growing, and most of
their development comes from positive stimulation and experiences. With that
said, pre-frame the proper behavior that you would like to see when going to
class, and then set an attainable number of classes he/ she must attend with
this behavior, along with a reward for doing so. For example: attend the next 3
classes with the proper behavior and we will grab ice cream on the way home.
These tips are not rocket science, but are often overlooked. As parents, we get caught-up in the daily grind, so we sometimes forget that situations like this require attentive and intentional parenting. I hope this article sheds some positive light on how to help your child get ready for class. Good luck!
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